Tuesday, November 12, 2024

A likely solar micronova will happen before the end of the year


Dear Precious Souls,

Perhaps you can agree with me that we are amidst profound inner changes. 

Maybe some of us live them as a deep death/rebirth process that we don’t know where it leads us. And I say “deep” because it involves not only our precious body but also our mind (rational and intuitive), that is opening to the Cosmic Mind. Where new realities are ready to be unfolded that cannot fit into our old paradigm and experiences we have lived until now.

Because living the end of a big cycle and the beginning of a new one. 

I can say, with these words, that we are living an “end of times” as we know it. While opening to new beginnings that will allow us to enter into new realities of consciousness in a conscious way.

Astrologically we can relate this situation to Pluto about entering Aquarius next week, the 19th of November and will stay there for the next 20 years. 

And while waiting for it, its presence in the last degree/minutes of Capricorn pushes our minds to unblock and release all that is old and no longer serves us, together with Mars opposed to it… A deep purge is happening within! But also on a collective level (that goes underneath what our eyes can perceive and no mainstream media is telling what is going on).

On a personal level, maybe we cannot grasp what is happening within in all its magnitude. But we can have feelings of letting go of people and/or things that until now we have been attached to, or feeling that we don’t belong to this world anymore or feeling at odds about it or about our job… because we don’t belong to it. At least in the way that it has been until now.

And in all of this, there’s something more. 

Because the Sun, and the solar system with it, is at a galactic threshold. It is about to enter into a new region of the galaxy whose frequencies are higher, but also different from the ones we have lived until now, that will give us new patterns, new configurations, new laws of physics related to gravity, electromagnetism and how they relate to our consciousness…

Because of that, the Sun has increased its solar activity during the last months. And it is experiencing many solar flares, coronal mass ejections and is going into a deep change, similar to our own. Because it also is changing its own consciousness. 

We are not different from it! We can see ourselves as marvelous stars experiencing how our minds are “ejecting” mind mass (unblocking and releasing it). And even our bodies can be under a deep detox and purification process, releasing all that no longer serves us: heavy metals, viruses, toxic bacteria, toxins in general…

What I perceived during the last week is likely that very soon the Sun can experience being a micro nova… a sudden huge coronal mass ejection, like a very small supernova, that will sweep the entire solar system, pushing/forcing us, and all living beings, to go more within to find our real Self and Who we Really Are, and even catapulting some of us into a new reality, here on Earth or elsewhere.

During this process, there will be three days of darkness with no apparent Sun in the sky. Until it recovers from the experience and begins to shine once more. And already being into the new galactic zone I told you about before.

It is likely that during those days, the electricity will be disrupted and nothing will work out. 

Although it is not something to fear but be prepared for the likeness of the event.

It is very likely that this event will sweep out all vestiges of AI that are in our solar system brought by some galactic beings and embraced by some humans that wanted us to become transhumans (or cyborgs). Therefore, a marvelous expansion of consciousness would take place that would take us into a new era of experiencing what really means to be human while activating our full potential.

Keep in mind that, in reality, Life is about us… 

Life exists because we exist…

We are the Life! We are not separate from It.

And our very existence is about: 

“What can I do to contribute to increasing the consciousness of Life and all beings, including mine?” 

“How can I increase my consciousness and frequency, and in this way, contribute for the higher good of all?”

Because it's about me and Life…

And all happens following the precious intelligence of Life/Compassion Itself…

With Love and Light,

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