Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Transcending Saturn is transcending our natal chart



Maybe this information may blow your mind, but lately all pieces have fit together and I would like to share my knowledge about the connection between Saturn and our chakras, and how to transcend our natal chart.

At the beginning I thought of recording a video explaining it. But finally I chose to write it down.

And all of that began when some days ago I asked my Higher Self to help me to go beyond/above the collective unconsciousness-consciousness as a way to see better what is going on right now and how I could help better humanity and Mother Earth. And the experiences I received while meditating helped me to fit all pieces together (some of them I already knew many years ago and that, at that moment, made me understand why I couldn’t fit into the “normal” people or even why I was rejected by them).

I will summarize as much as possible this subject...

All stars and planets are cosmic beings. Stars have a Soul and a purpose. And they are linked together creating a magnificent luminous web that resemble our fired neurons in the brain (or maybe we have to say that our fired neurons resemble the cosmic luminous web).

But planets are different. They can have a soul or not, depending on their purpose or if they have been created artificially or placed in some solar system to disrupt its original energies (as a way to disrupt the original purpose of this galaxy and others).

Saturn in particular has a Soul. But it was manipulated in such a way that finally it allowed the Reptilians to connect its 10 rings to our main 10 chakras. In this way he became Cronos, Father Time, entrapping all souls here on Earth in a never ending reincarnation cycle that would recreate pending lessons once and again (what we have called karma) through the chakras. That's why it was named the malefic one.

Each chakra is connected to a ring. And the rings support a 3D matrix created by the Reptilians that encompass the Solar System, entrapping it in their own matrix while enforcing this star system as one of their main strongholds.

Over time, each of the 10 main chakras became rigid and almost fixed in a strict range of frequencies that became narrower and narrower until they were “pinned” into only one, giving to each chakra one color (from the red of the root chakra to brown/grey of the 10th chakra).

Therefore, we have assumed that those colors are the normal ones, together with the frequencies attuned to them. But they are not!

That’s why many years ago, although I was interested in astrology, there was something that pushed me away from it, feeling it as a manifestation of an etheric prison where all souls were trapped in a never ending cycle. And only when I transcended it (at that moment an astrologer told me that), I began to approach it with curiosity and eager to know more about it. It was as if a door opened for me to enter into an ancient already known realm that was ready for me to unfold one more time. And I began to enter into it as a healer...

We can say that we have 12th main chakras (in reality we have more, but from the 13th on they are potentials stored within our heart chakra ready to awaken once we are prepared to use them). Thus, the 11th and 12th are out of the 3D web (or they can be depending on our consciousness).

The 11th is about unconditional love, humility, forgiveness.

While the 12th is about bringing to the here and now our unique individuality and gifts, and anchoring them into our cells so we can manifest them in our lives.

And it is from these chakras that we can evolve enough, and reconnect with our precious Soul that lies beyond our personality. In this way, little by little we are able to bring into our bodies our Soul while practicing self-esteem, humility, forgiveness and wanting to heal conflictual relationships or go beyond some situations that seem repeating every now and then during our lifetime (or for over many lifetimes).

It is in this way that without realizing it, our chakras begin to change color and frequency until they manifest our unique colors… the colors of our Soul! And it is then when they are all connected to our heart chakra. Meaning that what they really are: expressions of the Heart that manifest into different levels (physical, emotional, mental…). Even the chakras can slightly change their shape and become more subtle. This is more evident in the out of body chakras (from 8th to 12th). Moreover, the 11th and 12th chakras become whole one more time. And instead of being “cut” in half, both halves reunite and become one complete chakra that surrounds us, protecting our energy field and our being.

Even the Merkabah changes… instead of having a truncated merkabah (as I name it), it becomes a sphere of consciousness that surrounds us that allows us to travel among dimensions and timelines.

Once our chakras are expressing our Soul, we are out of the 3D Saturnian matrix. And from then on we have transcended our natal chart allowing us to read it in the highest octave possible for us. So, we can use the Saturn energies as a way to connect and bring more to the here and now our Cosmic Mind and All What we Are (although for this process the asteroid Makemake helps as it is a higher octave of Uranus).

And that’s it for today! 🙏

Have a luminous day and take good care of you!

With Love and Light, Serene

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Transcending Saturn is transcending our natal chart