Thursday, December 19, 2024

Galactic Center, Creativity and a Message from the Mother Whale

Dear Precious Ones,

This article was written some years ago, while I was living near the Mediterranean sea in a small city, after returning from my voyage to Mexico and the US with my kids.
Although I love living surrounded by mountains, being by the sea rekindled a deep creativity.
It was a time when I wrote many articles, much of them are still up to date information, as this one.

Today we are in exact conjunction with the Galactic Center. Although its influence still will last for 7-8 more days.
Its precious power has opened a Big Portal to help us to free ourselves of the chains, archetypes and beliefs that bound us to the old 3D matrix. And, in this new freedom, feel and experience ourselves as marvelous Frequencies incarnated in a physical body on Earth.
But for that, it is important to remember who we really are, where we come from and what/who we want to become. And this article is a wonderful way to help us to remember.

I hope you enjoy it!

"Precious ones,

Today (it was in September 2009) Mother Whale came to me to transmit a lovely message about freedom and our DNA. While I was seeing Her swimming across the Universe and perceiving the deep Silence that surrounds planets and galaxies as a lovely background, She was also at my side. And She said:

We, as human beings, are unbound of the 12 stellar races that gave us their gift stored in our 12 strands of DNA. Because we also have a 13th strand… one that was given by Gaia Herself. Stored in this strand there are many qualities and potentials. But the most relevant one is that She offered us the gift of being free of exploring the vastness of the Universe, as if the 13th strand is a marvelous window that we can open, once we are ready and if we really want from our heart, that has access to the entire Universe to be explored and known by our Soul. It is related to our 13th chakra. Because this chakra works as a precious window for our Soul, even here on Earth, that enables us to expand beyond any limitation, find new paths of life, and resolve problems in a different way.

Each stellar race gave us a gift from their civilizations/beings that is the foundation, and the core, of our structure as human beings. But we are not bound to them… We are more.
That’s why the whole Universe is watching us and our evolution. Because we have a strand that sets us free to be whoever we want and go wherever we want.
This special strand doesn’t bind us to Earth, nor to Gaia Herself, but it gives us curiosity and willingness to explore and go beyond any limitation, any comfortable zone we are in.
We tend to be attached to an identity, it could be physical and/or spiritual. But we are able to be detached from whatever spiritual identity we feel.
And, despite the limited present we are living, we can choose to be really free from within… free to travel with our Soul and explorer its vastness… free to unlock more gifts stored in our DNA… free to align with the vastness of our Cosmic Reality (beyond of what we consider our Higher Self or Future Luminous Self) and receive Its energies, Its information, Its wisdom and Light Codes.

We are marvelous beings beyond our imagination. And these days the vastness of the Universe and Gaia is opening to us, activating the 13th strand, and setting us free…"

With Love and Light, Serene


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