Where do I come from?
Dear Precious Souls,
Do you know what a Galactic Astrology Soul Reading is?
Now let's jump into it!
Sometimes the Galactic Astrology Soul Reading is infused in my healing sessions as a way to understand better the history of the person. and in this way, to perform a deeper healing or diving into some aspects that can affect the person's life that otherwise are difficult to access into.
But it also can stand on its own alone as it can cover many aspects of the person in a holistic way. It's a way to discover Who We Really Are and tap into our multidimensionality in a practical way. Because we are much more than we think...
A Galactic Astrology Soul Reading tap into our Akashic Records... the akashic records stored within our Souls that are, as I perceive them, like a huge library plenty of books. And some of them are ready to be restored to our present consciousness and be part of our memory.
Because we are precious beings that have encountered many different situations in many different dimensional planes and worlds. And some have been overcome gifting us with a stronger and bigger Heart Chakra, deeper and more powerful than we thought. But once incarnated here on Earth, we have agreed to place a veil into our precious memories and forget Who We Really Are in order to play fully the game of being incarnated in a 3rd dimension where each being occupies a different space and is perceived as separated of each other. While the time is lived as linear.
In reality, we are amazing souls, so brave and courageous that we are willing to dive boldly into the depths of the lower dimensions of this Universe to explore them under many different angles and live countless dramatic situations, so then we can learn from them and increase our frequency and restore our magnificent consciousness. In this way, we can open more our Heart and Consciousness and restore our Spirit, become wiser and more compassionate, and bringing more our Light in the here and now.
As time goes by, we can regain a seat in the Council of the Elder Stars to contribute the evolution of other species with our own experiences and acquired wisdom, knowing that we are One with every living being, and all are equal.
These new astrology projects are about to read you natal chart in different ways and offer new perspectives of understanding, learning and healing yourself.
They can be read after a Galactic Astrology Soul Reading, as a way to keep track of what is going on within you, or independently. But always they offer an open path for you to go deeply within and knowing more what is good for you to heal and overcome from now on that is blocking your path or that stuck you in the same situation once and again. That could be from other lifetimes or from this one.
Here they are:
1. The Divine Masculine and how it projects into our lives, within the layout of Sedna: This reading is focused on working with the different dimensions of your Cosmic Masculine, from the highest one represented by the Kuiper Belt Object, Manwë, to the lowest one, or more physical, that is represented by Mars. And in between there are Varuna, Saturn and the Sun. They allow us to explore the different layers/dimensions of your masculine energy and how they unfold themselves throughout your life. We also explore the actual placement of these planets (their transits) and how they can help us to overcome situations that we are living while healing them. And put all of this context within the layout created by Sedna that encompasses all of our life. This reading is accompanied by a meditation to help us to align with our Cosmic Masculinity and its different expressions, bringing It in the here and now and integrate It in a practical way within us. This will help us to be more centered and connected with our masculine energies, not matter if we are women or men. That allows us to be well connected with our Eternal Present and our magical and timeless Presence. It helps us to fulfill our being and unite it with the Heavens and Earth to become a marvelous column of Light and Consciousness able to channel ceaselessly the luminous and loving energies of our Oversoul through our physical body. In this way we are uplifting our consciousness and help to open and expand the consciousness of humanity. Balancing our feminine and masculine energies within we can easily become the marvelous Creator/Creatrix we already are, unfolding our gifts in our everyday lives here on Earth. Therefore, we become co-creators of the new 5D human matrix and Earth, not only for us, but for the next generations to come that maybe, include us as our own descendants...
2. Our Path of Life: what tells us about the pending learning of our pasts, the probable futures to create, challenges we can live, situations we could face and how to transcend them. Here we use our Sun, Moon, the lunar nodes South Node-North Node, the Dark Moon Waldemath and the transits of the SN-NN. And within the layout that our natal Sedna gives us and its transits. This will lead us to know better who we are, why we are here and why we have lived certain situations or why we are still stuck in some of them. But also this reading is a way to awaken our precious inner creator/creatrix and become masters of our reality, knowing the best focal point for us to evolve (the North Node) until we are ready to balance the learning that both, the NN and SN, have given us. This reading is accompanied by a meditation to help us to explore more our inner dimensions and, day by day, overcome the dense ones while heading towards our NN. Until it arrives a moment when we are prepared to live and manifest the balanced energies of our South Node and North Node, and fill us complete. Or maybe it could be a way to overcome and transcend the learnings that our lunar nodes have given us throughout our life and from that moment on we are able to transcend our natal chart and begin a new path of Life, that can be similar, but with a different planetary background, more actual.
3. The Astrological Couples within and without: our inner Feminine and Masculine energies, the different levels and aspects they can manifest in our lives. Here we work with Mars/Venus, Chiron/Chariklo, Neptune/Salacia, Manwë/Varda and Pluton/Haumea as a way to explore the different ways and dimensions that our feminine and masculine energies can manifest throughout our life (not matter if we are women or men). Who are we? How our Feminine and Masculine Energies manifest in the different human realities I live: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual? There's an imbalance? How can I balance it for the best for me and for all? And how we can use them for our highest good to heal inner wounds, reconnect and recover our true precious potential and gifts, and be the creatrix/creator of our human reality. Because we are much more than we think... This reading can be accompanied by a meditation that will help us to connect and use the marvelous energies of Chariklo, Salacia and Haumea as a way to recover unknown aspects of our precious feminine power and how this planets can work with us to recover more our Soul from our hearts.
4. The Divine Feminine and its different manifestations: Lilith! Here we work with the asteroid Lilith, the Black Moon Lilith, the Dark Moon Waldemath and the star Algol (a very powerful fixed star) as a way to explore our feminine dimensions (not matter if we are man or woman), to explore and know our blocked or denied feminity, how it can manifest, even in a physical way, how we can deal with and heal our repressed feminity and become the true expressions of our Cosmic Feminine Self. This reading will be accompanied by a meditation that will help us to connect with the star Algol and bring its powerful Essence to our hearts to use for our highest good and of all beings around us. And also, as we deepen into the reading, the meditation will be focused on the aspects we need to heal. Therefore, we can overcome them from our hearts and become the wonderful Creatrix/Creator we really are. In this way, we can co-create a new 5D human and Earth reality for us and for the next generations to come. This reading, as all the other readings, is for women and men alike, as all human beings have feminine and masculine energies within that need to be recognized and expressed through our being.
All readings cost: 65€
And they can be given to you in a written form or via Skype or Zoom. The meditation will always be recorded in audio form and send it to you via email.
There is also the possibility to give you micro-readings focusing only in one house and its opposite, for example the 4th house of our home and roots and the 10th house of our career and job, or any other pair, as a way to deepen into a part of your life that maybe you are struggling. This kind of reading is more important that it seems, because can dwell into the depths of the two houses and their intricacies, challenges and possible solutions.
Any micro-reading costs 35€
I wish you a wonderful day plenty of Love and Light.
With Love, Serene
"I am spending the first week of this new year (2023) in a study retreat devoted to galactic astrology – to help me dive more deeply and uninterruptedly into the material.
Just before my Winter Solstice retreat 2022, I had a Galactic Astrology reading with Serene Palarea. Serene is uniquely qualified, with a PhD in Astronomy which combines with a deep intuitive gift and ability to read the akashic records. I wanted to get a professional overview of my chart to put what I have learned so far into perspective. This proved immensely helpful.
Two stars stood out – Nihal (in Lepus) conjunct my Lilith and Rigel (in Orion) also conjunct Lilith. Serene explained that my soul began its journey in Nihal. Rigel was a later, and darker, choice; comprising part of several incarnations in reptilian races (some pretty violent and manipulative and others quite benevolent).
I find it significant that in this life my Sun is in Pisces and March is the time of the hare (Lepus)!
One of the main things to come from the reading was the revelation of how patterns I have had to work to heal in this life were seeded WAY earlier – in galactic incarnations – particularly the tendency (through curiosity) to ‘scatter’ or fragment my soul…This life has been deeply focused on reclaiming and reintegrating aspects of my soul (...)" - Caroline S. (UK, December 2022)
"Thank you so very much for your reading - it was amazing and still reverberating" - Christine S. (UK, February, 2023)
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