Dear Precious Souls,
Do you know what a Galactic Astrology Soul Reading is?
Now let's jump into it!
Sometimes the Galactic Astrology Soul Reading is infused in my healing sessions as a way to understand better the history of the person. and in this way, to perform a deeper healing or diving into some aspects that can affect the person's life that otherwise are difficult to access into.
But it also can stand on its own alone as it can cover many aspects of the person in a holistic way. It's a way to discover Who we really are and tap into our multidimensionality in a practical way.
We are precious beings that have encountered many difficult situations, that have overcome many of them, with a Heart Chakra stronger, deeper and powerful than we thought.
We are amazing souls, brave and courageous to dive boldly into the depths of the lower dimensions of this Univere to explore them, live countless dramatic situations, so then, we can learn from them and increase our frequency. In this way, we can open more our Heart and Consciousness, and become wiser. And, as time goes by, regain aseat in the Council of the Elder Stars to contribute the evolution of other species with our own experiences and acquired wisdom, knowing that we are One with every living being, and all are equal.
Because a Galactic Astrology Reading enters lovingly into the Akashic Records of the Soul accessing to its very origins:
In which dimensional plane it originated? What is the blueprint of the Soul that characterizes it?
What are its main colors and gifts that define it in a deep way and that are crystallized into the DNA ready to be used in our everyday lifes?
What are the colors of our Essence/Spirit that define us as unique Cosmic Being and as unique fractal of the Primordial Source of Love?
Because our Essence is where our Soul's blueprint was originated and where it will return eventually.
Which is our unique Soul's DNA?
What kind of guides you have?
Which range of emotional frequencies are you attached or express through your answers, thoughts, ideas and beliefs in everyday situations?
Then we begin to unfold the journey that you, as a precious Soul, had taken across this galaxy...
Which are the star systems you had been?
What did you experience there?
In which star systems did you incarnate and in which you were a visitor or went there to accomplish a mission?
Until you arrived on Earth and began to incarnate here...
Once here, we can discover different past lives and if in some of them you had a strong soul connection with someone that is still in your life right now.
We also, through your natal chart, can see what is your way of life that gives you the most evolving learning from the heart.
Also we can explain many things about yourself:
what is the purpose of you Sun where it is placed? And you Moon? And your Ascendant?
There is a planet that affect you most? What is the learning behind it?
And what is you path of life that offers you the most lovingly and deep experiences to help you to expand your consciousness and, in this way, to connect better and deeper with you Higher Self (or Cosmic Reality as I usually name It, because our soul is multidimensional and we can have many different projections of It living in parallel realities)?
Is there some fixed star affecting your planets?
In this way you can discover and learn more who you really are, your purpose in this life and on Earth and how to fulfill it.
As you expand more from your heart chakra, you are able to be aligned and coonnected much better and deeper with your Higher Self and be Who You Truly Are to contribute to increase the vibrations of Humanity and planet Earth and also being better involved in creating a New Earth.
Now is time to embody who we truly are...
Now is time to be fully Present in the here and now...
While remembering and recovering our amazing Self.
Because now is the best moment to remember Who We Are...
We are living incredible times that allow, amidst the chaos we are living, recover our true self and discover the amazing gifts that are waiting for us, stored in our bodies and DNA... Our gifts had been dormant for centuries (maybe along with some traumas, blockages wounds...). But now they are stirring within us waiting for us to awaken and reclaim them all as part of our Self. Because this present is different...
We are not any more in the past (although some times it seems so), and the healing energies that infuse us every day coming from the Universe and from deep inside the Earth, help us to awaken, heal and recover our precious gifts.
Although this times we are living on not always are smooth and easy. We can make the best of them contributing to create a big change for the best of all living beings here on Earth, in this Solar System, in this Galaxy and in this Universe. Because what we are doing here affect profoundly to all worlds and dimensions of this galaxy and beyond. As we are One.
WE are her for a purpose...
And now is time to discover it and be and live authentically our precious being! Because we are much more than we think...
"Serene is tremendously gifted. Not only did she provide details of my soul’s origin, and path leading to incarnation on Earth, she answered questions regarding “higher self” and “guides" that no one had ever clearly explained to me. She provided insight into energetic connections I have only lately become aware of, as well as tools for a specific energy healing. I look forward to connecting with her again in the future." -Alex Y (New York, August 2022)
"You are amazing with your unique and special gifts and spirit - so many will be touched xxxx" - Belinda C (Perth, Australia)
"I am spending the first week of this new year (2023) in a study retreat devoted to galactic astrology – to help me dive more deeply and uninterruptedly into the material.
Just before my Winter Solstice retreat 2022, I had a Galactic Astrology reading with Serene Palarea. Serene is uniquely qualified, with a PhD in Astronomy which combines with a deep intuitive gift and ability to read the akashic records. I wanted to get a professional overview of my chart to put what I have learned so far into perspective. This proved immensely helpful.
Two stars stood out – Nihal (in Lepus) conjunct my Lilith and Rigel (in Orion) also conjunct Lilith. Serene explained that my soul began its journey in Nihal. Rigel was a later, and darker, choice; comprising part of several incarnations in reptilian races (some pretty violent and manipulative and others quite benevolent).
I find it significant that in this life my Sun is in Pisces and March is the time of the hare (Lepus)!
One of the main things to come from the reading was the revelation of how patterns I have had to work to heal in this life were seeded WAY earlier – in galactic incarnations – particularly the tendency (through curiosity) to ‘scatter’ or fragment my soul…This life has been deeply focused on reclaiming and reintegrating aspects of my soul (...)" - Caroline S. (UK, December 2022)
"Thank you so very much for your reading - it was amazing and still reverberating" - Christine S. (UK, February, 2023)
Thank you. I so loved hearing your voice and insights with the podcast and I am so very happy for you and grateful for what you do. Thank you for serving and shining and being in your heart.