What the Healing Therapy can do for you?

Here I would like to explain a bit to you my point of view about what the healing is and how it can help us to uplift our soul's vibrations and open more our consciousness...
Because, for me, healing means evolution... recovering our Divine Consciousness while we recognize our ego, our unconsciousness and the intricate and subtle ways it behaves to learn from it. And in this way to BECOME what we really are... marvelous beings of LOVE and LIGHT walking in a physical body here on this wonderful planet named Earth...

But first of all, I would like to post as special healing session I gave some years ago...

A SPECIAL HEALING SESSION (February, 17th 2009)

On February 17th, 2009 I had a very special healing session that I would like to share with all of you because along with it arose some interesting information…

The healing session was given to a fantastic woman that is awakening her soul galactic connections and purpose very fast…
First she asked me about the real history of Humankind and about the gap between Lemuria, Atlantis and the primitive men and women here on Earth. So I explained her a little.
But suddenly my explanation stopped and I began to see many beings of light, including me and her, coming and going from the Earth... coming and going from our light bodies to a physical one...
While I was explaining it, I was there…
And for a while I felt myself embracing, connecting and loving animals and plants, trees and meadows, mountains and oceans... creating and anchoring the Divine Plan for the Earth and the Humankind.
For that purpose we used some crystal quartzes that rather belonging to Earth, but were carried from Pleiades and Arcturus. They were made from a special galactic matter, not liquid not ether, but an aqueous blend of both, and once we were here on Earth, we imbued them with crystal Earth characteristics to solidify them. So we could program them fulfilling them with the Divine Plan written in the Crystalline Grid of the Universe.
At the same time the quartzes had, (have), enough capacity to also absorb the future negativity that would surround all of us in the coming centuries. It was necessary for helping us all to keep anchored on Earth meanwhile we were learning what meant the lack of Love, instead of leaving the Earth an get rid of all our programmed high frequency future...

And this links with my last experiences I had felt along the last week…
For some days a gray energy accompanied by hard information related to a lot of pain, suffering, lost and death, and ghost souls trapped in it had been unblocking around the Mediterranean sea…
It was related with a holocaust... although at first I couldn’t find out from where it came. So my first thought was the Second World War.
But not, after few days I knew that it was about the Lemurian holocaust… even though both events are related because of some of the people that took part on the first were involved in the other one as well.
But I didn’t understand why this information was unblocking now… until yesterday.
So, let me to continue…

Underneath the negativity absorbed by these first Lemurian quartzes there's written the Divine Plan for us from now on... the one we programmed at the beginning of our times as Human Beings and that no is ready to be unfolded within and before us… It connects us with Lemuria or Atlantis, (depending on our first origins here on Earth), our bodies of Light and our original purpose for coming here on Earth...

But the healing session went on. And after a while, I saw the different strands of DNA of the woman and a crystalline network...
For some minutes we were working with the woman’s DNA while I was feeling it in my hand, (it was very beautiful and tender!)… it was awakening and uplifting as at the same time it was extending until it connected with the consciousness’ crystalline grid…
Where I perceived the human DNAs, the DNAs of some animals, (at that moment I saw birds and rabbits, but maybe because they are lighter and more fragile than others), and the DNA of some plants and trees unfolding before me, all of them connected for subtle threads of light energy...
I saw that as we uplift our frequencies, we heal and unblock some parts of our DNA, activate others as well as awakening the different energetic strands. And all of these connect our consciousness and our DNA with that of the other living beings.
I must say that this network is the one I care most and for me is the most special and loved one.
So, as we change, we convey our changes and vibrations to other living beings. And in this way they can change as well, and uplift their own DNA and consciousness...
I perceived all of that before me... how the energy of the healing session was expanding, flowing through the network, changing it and uplifting the DNA of animals and plants...
So at same instant they were uplifted, some of them dissolved because they finished their task here on Earth making room for new animals and plants that would appear in the next few years...
It was marvelous and tender. And a lot of Love was surrounding us unfolding this information as an open ancient book stored in a secret library for centuries…
After a while we continued working in other aspects of her until the healing session finished.

We all are surrounded by lots of Love…
A Love that is helping us to take the reins of our life one more time… and the reins of our future as well as the future of Humanity…
Our Higher Self is giving us the reins, so now is time of deciding what kind of changes we want to carry on while at the same time a stored information in some very well guarded libraries is unblocking…

Now we are the ones who can decide our own future…
And in this way to contribute of the future of all Humankind and Gaia as well…

With tenderness and Love,

We can say that healing is one of the most ancient techniques used by Humankind to heal not only the body but the soul. But, for me, is more than that... healing is a marvelous gift that comes from the core of the Universe to allow us to evolve with ease and revive our sacred divinity within.
It helps us to re-align with our Higher Self and recover the gifts of our Spirit (Abundance, Joy, Hapiness, Peace, Health...), as though to heal relationships and overcome difficult situations that we face in our everyday life.
Healing tends our soul while we are preparing to enter to the magnificent inner life of the soul of the world. It nurtures and sustains us while we are facing our hidden faces and/or recovering our scattered soul parts. 

Healing is a path of life followed by wondrous learnings that lead us to rediscover our multidimensional being...
But who is the teacher in all this process?
In reality the only teacher is you. Nobody else. Because within each one of us there's the student and the master. And the healer can only guide the person to discover her/his own master while rediscovering her/his consciousness and the marvelous gifts of the soul.

Our ancestor believed that an illness of the body was actually an illness of the soul that was misaligned of its Cosmic Mind and attached to the rational mind, attached to its present/past personalities. And only understanding that and transcend it our body could be healed no matter what kind of sickness we had.
It means that Human Being is much more than a body...

Since I was a child I have experienced the luminous energy that exists around us in its different ways.
Now I can say that this energy embraces us, day and night, surrounding us lovingly, and helping and supporting us while it is reminding us that we are far more that what we can see with our eyes and far more what we are doing in our every day life.
Now, along this page, I would like to explain to you my life’s point of view reinforced by my work as a healer.
Although I was formed as a scientist, I’ve always perceived some inexplicable things for the science as well as I’ve always been eager to know and understand them. That's why 17 years ago I decided to make a change… a quantum leap in my life and I started as a healer one more time in all of my lifetimes...

The human being…
Human beings are far more than what our eyes could see.
All and each of us are a wonderful, eternal and subtle world made of pure energy... An energy that it's an exquisite expression of our own Divine Consciousness... and energy that is showing itself as a beautiful light unfolded through wonderful brilliant colors, exquisite sounds and melodies. And, once this wonderful energy, US, decided to begin an evolving path, moulded itself as a soul.
Only later, the soul created a physical body when it arrived to a point that it decided to incarnate on the Earth.

But, actually we, the human beings, come from the Universe... we come from a magical and magnificent place where Love is its maximum expression and where the energy of Love fills up, creates and changes ceaselessly every particle of Light and matter, in order to manifest and unfold itself through its magnificent power.
And we, the human beings, are a lovingly part of It, dancing and co-creating with it in this Infinite Love’s game.

The Universe is plenty of amorously and infinite creativity that unfolds itself as numberless worlds, where stars and galaxies are only a small part of it. As well as is the Earth.
All of these worlds reached out all of light frequencies range creating countless ways where human beings can evolve.
And our soul is all of that…
A unique expression of this vast and timeless Universe, even though we can’t perceive it.
But all of this information is inside us, just about to be awakened because it’s our legacy as cosmic beings walking on Earth with a task to do that goes beyond our daily life. Because our main task is rediscover ourselves and BE...

Be Happiness and Joy
Be Abundance and Prosperity
Be Peace
Be Health
Be Love…
While the life unfolds itself ceaselessly before us, returning to us what we really are if we want to learn...

But to do this we have to walk a path.
Therefore before birth our soul weaves a wonderful, subtle and complicated energetic web around our body that connects to all and each one of our cells creating an energetic system to be able to be expressed and manifested in our every day life.
One part of this energetic system is an electromagnetic field with 12 different layers and another is a system of 12 chakras, seven of them are connected to our body and aligned with our spinal cord; and the other five are placed above our head and below our feet.
Besides our soul has its own essence placed inside our physical body as a beautiful and exquisite Star expression of our Higher Self within us.

Normally our soul enters into our body between two or three months before birth, although nowadays the new babies use to enter before, around in the three or four months of gestation.

The soul can increase or decrease its vibration depending on the learning that takes place along its life. And it is aligned with its Higher Self and the Earth.
But fears unaligned our soul and therefore our spirit lose the direct contact with its Divine Mind, so with its purpose. Then it is easy to fall down in shame, blaming ourselves, or in an excess of responsibility to the others. It is easier to feel rage and resentment. So, little by little we can go more and more disconnected of our Higher Self and our real Self identity. Doubts and dissatisfactions are simple tramps that our ego put to ourselves.
In spite of that there exist some very useful exercises that use our breath circle and some colors for instance, that help us to be realigned and recover our own identity, our I Am.

Returning to our chakras…
The seven main chakras are connected and deeply rooted within our body, keeping its own functions through the endocrine glands, the central nervous system as well as the main organs, as the heart, pancreas, lungs, liver…
Chakras are like whirlwinds of energy that spin in both senses, clockwise and counterclockwise.
In this way, they permit that the energy around us, (people, nature, environment...), can enter to our body to go deeply to our soul, to keep us informed about the external world and people around us. And, at the same time, they convey our energy, our consciousness, thoughts and feelings to the outside as a way to transmit every instant how we feel and think to people and our environment... to keep ourselves connected and contribute with our consciousness to re-weave constantly the exquisite Grid that forms the marvelous Universe... to be co-creators of the Universe... to be its writers and its main characters...

But the feelings and thought that we emit can be placed in our consciousness or in our unconsciousness. So, in this latter case we don’t be able to know what we are “saying” to the people. Though they also receive our information as well in an unconscious way and react to us as it is.
Because as it’s inside, it’s outside…
So, what we are, what we feel and think is what we emit ceaselessly around, manifesting all of these in different ways that returns to us with the same vibration we emitted... it means that equal energies are drawn together.

Now the next step is to explain you the meaning of the chakras. Although you can find large explanations in many good books, here I want to put the most basic things about them...

First chakra or Earth chakra. It represents our connection with the planet and the capacity we have to resolve our problems. Its vertex is placed in the coccyx and it opens to the Earth along our legs until our feet. It manages the excretory system and the suprarenal glands.
Second chakra. It is placed below the belly button. It represents emotions and feelings we have about ourselves. It manages our urinary and reproductive systems and the gonads glands, (ovaries in women and testicles in men).
Third chakra or solar plexus chakra. It’s placed above the belly button. It manages the digestive system including the liver, spleen and pancreas. And also it manages the suprarenal glands.
Four chakra or heart chakra. It is placed in our breast. It manages the thymus gland and the circulatory and respiratory systems. This chakra could be the biggest one because in it we have our greatest learning, Love, in its different aspects as compassion, understanding, forgiveness, to accept ourselves as we are, and above all, to love unconditionally.
As we’re going on forward in this learning, the chakra grows and expands until it reaches all our breast from right to left.
Fifth chakra or throat chakra. This chakra manages the throat, the mouth, ears, nose and the back of the neck. And also the thyroid and parathyroid glands. When we develop it, we connect with clairaudience and the capacity to remember past lives and to travel through the time, for instance. Using it we can convey our creativity as music, writing and singing.
Sixth chakra or third eye. It is placed between our eyebrows. It manages the pituitary and hypothalamus glands as well the eyes and cerebellum. When we have it opened we can feel the capacity of contemplation and meditation. It’s the chakra of ideas and it holds the capacity to observe a landscape, for instance, and to wonder feeling inside us that we are part of it as well it’s part of us. When we develop it we connect with clairvoyance, telepathy and other human extra sensorial capacities.
Seventh chakra or crown chakra. It opens to the heavens in order to connect us to our Higher Self and divine energies. It manages the central nervous system and the pineal gland.
This chakra represents the pure capacity of abstraction and the capacity to change our past, not matter how deeply crystallized it is in our soul.

The eighth chakra can be placed inside both, the seventh chakra and the first chakra, although sometimes we only have the one spoted above our head. Here we can find information about our past lives and lives between lives.
The ninth, tenth and eleventh chakra can also be duplicated, placed in both, below our feet and above our head. And each one is different, but very important to us as they carry our DNA, Cosmic Mind and our capacity to Love, Learn and Evolve.
However the twelfth chakra is special. It confounds itself with its layer that is like a half of an ellipse placed, more or less, at 1.80m of our body and it spins around the body ceaselessly day and night preserving our identity, both physical spiritual, and it keeps spinning from one life to another as a wonderful generator that gives us life, movement and energy. It is connected with our body through different small chakras placed among it.

The seven layers in our energy field are distributed around our body as they were an exquisite matrix woven from our Divine Consciousness.
In them we can find our physical patterns, all our emotional experiences, (emotions and emotional patterns that form our subconscious mind since we are children), our mental patterns, (as ideas, personality archetypes and beliefs), and spiritual aspects, (as personal archetypes from other lifetimes and our deepest beliefs about God and the way we have lived them).

When some of our experiences of life are negative, they hurt us in some way or another because they come from a lack of love manifested as fears, shame, rage, envy,...And our task is to read and undestand them in order of transmute and transcend them. Only in this way we can learn and step forward in our evolving path, reaching other levels of consciousness, uplifting our vibrations and open more and more our heart chakra understanding better the real meaning of Love...

We want peace... BE Peace...
We want love... BE Love...
We want abundance... BE Abundance...
We want health... BE Health...
... as nothing is outside if firts is not inside us...

We are much more than we think...
And now is a special time that enables us to recover our whole being, to revive our Consciousness and BE What We Really Are... Love...


I offer you different kinds of healing depending on your needs:

1.- Private healing session:
In this case you and me meet in my private office, previous appointment, to receive a healing session.

2.- Distance healing session:
In this case you, as a customer, don't come to my office but remain in your home, previous appointment and payment, to receive the healing. After the session I will email you explaining all what we had done. And we remain in touch, via email, for whatever question you have or situation you want to know or resolve.
I also normally give you some exercises to do, as visualizations and meditations, to give you a way to self-heal and resolve difficult relationships.
Distance healing is as effective as private healing because we are energy.... souls in a physical body. And for the soul time and distance don't exist as actually, there's only one true time to live: the Eternal Present where all beings and things coexist simultaneously.


I offer different kind of seminars, all of them related to healing:

1.- Connecting with our Higher Self
2.- Self-esteem
3.- Abundance and Prosperity
4.- Healing our partner within: uniting our femenine and masculine
5.- Workshops for children based in the short stories I have written.
6.- Course of Healing (it last two years, ten months each one, giving a eight hours' class per month, or a two hours'class per week)

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