Aromatherapy... working with the soul of the plants

“The Essence of Nature is the Essence of Love,
The Sacredness of Nature is the Sacredness of Love, that which is our Sacredness… as we, human beings, are above all Love…”

Because Love is everywhere… in every plant and flower, in every tree and creek… in the clouds and the mountains… all Nature is a rapture expression of Love. Nature kisses us through its love, but normally we don’t feel it… have you ever asked why?

When we are about to be born, Life asks us a question… do you want to live? And depending on our answer we go through the birth canal in a way or another… depending on our answer, Hebraic letters come with us helping in our task or not as lovely dancing letters around and inside our being.
When we are children, Life asks us again: do you want to live?
Then when we are young adults, Life asks us again: do you want to live?
Even when we are old, Life lovingly continues asking us the same question.
And what we respond?
Is our Love for Life stronger than our hatred?
Are we capable of diving into de sea of life and embrace and swim on it fearfulness?

Dear Ones, the Earth doesn't belong to us, it is we that belong to Earth... this wondrous planet is our Mother, our Big Mother that take care of us ceaslessly with tenderness and love. While the Cosmos is our Father, our Big Father, that watch over us night and day giving us Strength, Energy and Power. And plants and trees unfold before us giving us the best they are... their souls... with all their spiritual and physical properties.
One way they offer to us is as essential oils, hydrolats and vegetal oils. All of them form the world of the Aromatherapy...

Entering to the world of essential oils, is to enter in the magical world of Nature and unravel its mysteries... it is to enter to the world of Shamanism. Because a good therapist has to be a visionary and a shaman, to be able to perceive beyond the physical surface of all things and listen to the souls and bodies. He or she has to be able to move... to enter to the world of movement where all souls live and are interconnected. Only through movement, the physical energies as well as the emotional, mental and spiritual could be moved, changed, healed...

The essential oils are a precious part of the soul of the plant (or tree). They are substances obtained through destilation of their flowers, leaves, resin or bark, depending on which plant or tree we are working. And they can be used to heal, or to complement a treatment, illnesses or to accompany emotional and mental processes in a tender and loving way.
There exist essential oils from over the world... from the Mediterranean, Canada, Madagascar, South Africa, Australia... and each one of them is precious for what it is. Each one of them has its own soul, its own scent, color and texture. And it has each own purpose and way to interact with our body and soul.

We can create synergies using few of them and up to 5, normally.
And also there is a therapy, named olfactology, that uses the scent of essential oils to unblock and heal hidden emotions stored in our subconscious that trick us in many ways.

We can also use hydrolats, the watery part that results from the distilation of the plants. Hydrolats can be used without any problem with children, pregnan women and our pets. And they also have similar properties than the essential oils.

While vegetal oils represent a whole world of themselves that can be used as a base for synergies or simply, in the kitchen as most of them contain omega-3, omega-6 and/or omega-9, that our body needs.
Also they can be used in cosmetology and depending of our skin and hair, we shall use one or antoher, or a mixture of few of them.

Plants and trees give us the most of them, together with the sun, moon and planets energy. So, we can approach them in a humble way to receive their souls and healing resources in order to heal us, our soul and our body.

If you are more interested in aromatherapy, please feel free to email me. I will be very glad to be in contact with you and answer your questions.

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