The Tree of Life: A Luminous Code within our souls, a way of healing

What's the Kabbalistic Tree of Life?

I can say many things about it... but first of all, I can say it's a marvelous and exquisite Code of Light built up within our souls. A Luminous Code formed with ten sephirahs, or spherical mandalas, plus 22 paths that connect them.
This Code of Light represents our spirit. It connects us with the whole Cosmos and conforms the connection of the satrs and planets with our soul and body.
It interwoven us all what we are. And, at the same time, it connects us with the exquisite Web of Life where all living beings are represented.

Entering lovingly to the Tree of Life is a marvelous way to heal. Not only our soul, but our body and our place on Earth.

Each person is unique and part of the Whole. Each one of us has a task to do here and now... a task that sometimes is hidden inside us, or simply, we are not aware of it although, maybe, we are doing it without realizing it.
Our body is also unique, perfect and marvelous. And it is conencted in extraordinary ways with all Nature... with all plants, trees, rivers, mountains, animals, clouds, planets and sky. Our body is made up of four elements: Fire, Water, Air and Earth plus another one: The Consciousness.

Our body is mainly made by beneficial bacteria (trillions of them in front of billions of body cells)... these micro beings conform our "me" together with the rest of cells. But we don't listen to them. And the way we normally eat kills them in a same rate than we, as humans, are killing and extinguishing the life on Earth. And, at the same time, the body cells are related to planets and stars, to Fire and Water, to Air and Earth. The energy field created within each cell emanates throughout the body, supporting it and connecting with all bodies out there... together, all living beings create a marvelous web of life where only our bodies can tell who is who.

Entering to the personal Tree of Life is a way to dive into the most sacred part of a person that can be damaged, blocked and even, suppressed partially depending of our thoughts, feelings and conditions remained from our past lives. Healing the Tree of Life is a marvelous way to heal the body and the soul, and reconnect both to the entire Cosmos and life on Earth. It's a way to reconnect with ourselves and discover who we really are. Especially these times where changes occur every day in all countries of the world.

And especially because with the changes coming down from the precious Universe, our chakras are changing, or even, disappearing meanwhile we are taking a reborn process. That's why right now is much better healing through the Tree of Life than using chakras. Or, at least,it's much better not using the seven main ones connected with the body.

I can tell you that the Tree of Life is a fascinating path to discover who we are, rebuild our bodies and reconnect with the magnificent Web of Life...

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