Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Flower of Perpetual Life-part 2


Flower of Perpetual Life: It’s origins and energy


Dear Precious Souls,


Today I’m going to explain about the origins and king of energy of the Flower of Perpetual Life.

The energy, or seed, of the Flower of Perpetual Life comes from beyond the 8th dimension, as Pure Unconditional Love and Compassion. But it is in the 8th that got its shape that gives its main characteristics: movement, expansion, and change. From there, it traveled down through the 7th, 6th and 5th dimensions and arrived here through the marvelous constellation of Sirius… trespassing some portals that connect them with the Inner Earth. And from there, it came to the surface last fall equinox, although some days before it could be sensed.

Even though its vibration is high, it can be anchored in the soil, trees, plants, mountains, rivers, and oceans, in this 3d and 4d Earth. From that day on, every time I go to the mountains or woods, (every day), my soul is filled with joy and an unconscious smile is drawn in my face and heart as I feel the joy around me. Also, the birds are singing more blissfully, and it is really wonderful and precious to feel it all around me. All nature is awakening into joy!

 Well, now I continue…

At the beginning of times, although at the same time within this Eternal Present, as Life began to move, expand and create changes in the multiverses, this precious flower emerged from the Fire… from the Pure Spirit. Therefore, it is pure fire, it’s a pure seed of Life that can only be sensed and worked with by our inner Fire (our Spirit and our Life Force or kundalini).

As Fire, we can relate it to the three fire signs:

Its movement, within and without, can be associated with the fiery action of Aries.

The expansiveness and power of its loving creativity can be related with Leo.

And its loving capacity of change impulses us to begin, or continue, our journeying and learning through Life, as Sagittarius.


But it is not only anchored in the Nature, it also can be part of us… because, without realizing, it can be placed within our Merkabah, and from there, it will impulse expansiveness and changes within our consciousness, soul and body… thus, it will create movement in our own cosmic vehicle, impelling us to move in the best direction for us and for all around us while healing, expanding and opening more and more our precious consciousness helping us to remember and be who we really are…

Although, at the beginning it can get us nervous because our nervous system receives and extra impulse of fire or maybe it gives us some digestive discomfort. But its aim is to help us to get rid of all that no longer serves us, to free us of all the dense energies and memories that keep us constrained and trapped in the past (that’s our own or part of the collective unconsciousness) and step forward into our cosmic legacy and best path of life.


If you want to feel it, I suggest this exercise:

Close your eyes… and breathe deeply twice or three times… extend your palms in front your heart chakra and summon it before you…

Once you feel its presence, sense it from your heart… let it enter your heart… let it speak to you… allow it to be part of you, as it already is…

Until you feel that is enough…

Then, thank it for its presence in your life and in the Earth at this time that is most needed, and little by little open your eyes…


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