Monday, September 27, 2021

Autumn Equinox 2021

 Dear Precious Souls,

This autumn equinox gave way to the Libra season, bringing and offering us a new set of wonderful energies… energies that accompany us to increase our consciousness and vibration while stepping into a new threshold of patterns in order to fulfill our soul and body and become the beautiful luminous beings that we really are.

 Libra offers us a balance between day and night, light and darkness, masculine and feminine, but this fall it also give us a balance between old and new patterns of Life. Because a new precious pattern unblocked from within the Earth and, subtle as a new breeze, came out of it permeating the soil beneath our feet, the trees and plants around us and all living beings, including us, the humans.

I’m talking about the Flower of Perpetual Life…

A very old pattern that went underneath the Gaia’s core once humans began to misalign from their luminous cosmic origins many centuries ago, in times of Atlantis (around 29,000 BCE). This pattern was replaced by what we call the Flower of Life. But the later represents a pattern of limited life, a design that, although repeated around us by Nature, holds the meaning of a restricted life created by the laws of the ego that were implemented and infused in our minds and all life around us.

While the Flower of Perpetual Life has movement in itself… it holds the movement of the creation of life. And it is this pattern that I perceived coming out from the crust of the Earth and infusing all Nature around us including myself during the day of the Fall Equinox.

Now, one week later as I write this article, I continue perceiving it permeating not only the Nature around us, but the very crystalline grid of the Gaia Earth and the multidimensional worlds around us.

From now on we are able to use it, to align with it, and to bring it into our heart, soul, pineal gland and body. In this way we also will enter into the magnificent movement of creation that it represents… we also will enter easily into the luminous realms around us… and reconnect much deeper with our precious potential and inner power.

It also helps us to fulfill our heart and soul and connect and activate deeply our inner abundance and creativity.

It infuses our body with the movement of healing and creation… of death and rebirth… as old beliefs and emotions can not longer get hold on us and are released with ease from our cells while our soul can anchor more and more into them, opening us to our rich inner world and power.

We can summon it from within the Earth and let it to infuse with its energy our body and our energy field around us. It will help to strengthen it and heal our organs, muscles and bones, tissues, and nerves. But also it will give us protection and strength and a deep sense of who we are… precious beings here and now on Gaia Earth…

With Love and Light,


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