Sunday, November 19, 2017

World of the Soul

Dear Ones,

Soul is wondrous and magical, inmortal and conscious of itself. it is timeless and spaceless while, at the same time we are in the here and now with all ours ebbs and flows.
The Earth doesn't belong to us. At the contrary, our soul belongs to Earth as well as to the Cosmos. Because we are part of this marvelous planet. It creates itself every instant through each one of us...
While we cannot live withour Her, the Earth can live without us... She can exists without us while we cannot live without Her. We are part of Her because an important part of our souls came out of her own soul, whereas another came from the Cosmos. We are earth and sky, we are water and fire...

For that, is a good question to ask to the Earth...
"What is the better task I can do for you?"
"Which is the best way for you and for me to carry out a task?"
"Which is the best way to serve you?"

And then, we wait for an answer... and answer that would come in minutes or in days. Or maybe in weeks. But not later, because now is time to re-align with the Earth and the Sky... to be open to receive all the marvelous gifts that are coming from the Cosmos... gifts that will connect us more and more with Sophia, or the Shekinah of the Jews. That is, along this new moon of November a pristine and crystalline energy is coming to us to fill us up of the Femenine Principle... to remind us that we are more than we see and feel. And that now is the perfect time to recover our gifts and our power from our heart and with Love...

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