Thursday, January 11, 2024

Numerology of this new year 2024

Dear Precious Ones,

Today let’s play with numbers!

It’s about the year 2024 because its numerology is very interesting.

Let me to explain to you what it means for me:

We can see it as: 2+0+2+4 = 8, a number associated with abundance and infinity, and with life cycles. It relates to the vastness of our precious Soul and its inner creativity… the power of creating our lives according to our Soul dreams and the planet where She/He projects itself to incarnate.

But if we decompose the year number a bit more, we can find: 2+2+2+2 = 2222 that is a master number that means Great Mastery!

The quadruple numbers have been associated with the old Lemurian teachings and introduced to the initiates during their first years in the Temples.

In this case, what kind of mastery does it refer to?

The number 2 is related to duality and the tension of opposites like feminine and masculine, light and dark… Thus, it means that our Great Mastery to achieve this year is about mastering the world of duality we are living in… to see it not as a tension, but an exquisite expression of our Being we can accept and integrate as part of ourselves.

But also we find a “0” in the year number…

The zero is related to a void (a world of fears) we should fill up with our Love and Soul Dreams. It’s about chaos to be resolved and dissolved while bringing in the here and now the Cosmic Order (Cosmic Laws of Light and Love).

But there’s more…

Because if we relate numbers with the Hebrew Tree of Life, the number 2 is associated with the second sephirah Hockmah that represents Sophia/Wisdom, the feminine aspect of God. Therefore, it’s only opening to our Soul’s Wisdom and bringing it to our everyday activities that we can master the duality.

Furthermore, the number 4 is related to the sephirah Hesed, that means Mercy and Compassion. 

So, for me, this year is telling us to bring our Soul Wisdom through Compassion for us, for all living beings and for the marvelous planet Earth as a way to master the world of duality and recognize and integrate this duality within our being in order to become real living Masters of our lives. While we create and materialize the wonderful abundance that is sparkling within us, making our Soul Dream true…

What do you think?

With Love and Light,


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