Sunday, August 27, 2023

A New Magic Talent is Unfolding: Interdimensionality

 Dear Precious Ones,

You all already know that we are beautiful multidimensional beings, in particular after receiving your wondrous Galactic Astrology Soul Reading. You know that our Souls have a presence in different dimensions and realms simultaneously. Meaning that our presence here is a precious part of Who We Are, and a very needed one! 

But there’s more…

Because we also are interdimensional beings.

What is interdimensionality?

It is a characteristic of every realm and dimension, including the 3D, that allows us to tap into different timelines all at once, and experience and live them.

Until now we have almost experienced the 3D reality as something difficult and hard to live in because we have been locked into a linear time where only experiences arise from fear. And from it, guilt, low self-esteem, violence, abuse of power, wars, lack of peace and understanding and polarity.

But in reality every dimension has a myriad of timelines connected to our consciousness (the way to experience our reality and how we respond to it together with the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that we have). And each one has its own reality, beings, surroundings, landscapes, as for example, the different realities within the Inner Earth.

And humanity is not different from the rest of the Universe, we can tap into them and live them. Only that we have been locked into only one very narrow timeline that only allows us, and all living beings, to live from a very dense consciousness (based on a lack of love that we sense as an inner void, that is felt as fear). And this 3D prison has mainly been created through manipulating our history, twisting our minds and forcing us to believe and acknowledge something that we didn’t experience. Also they (deep state if we want to put a name on the dense beings that have manipulated and imprisoned humanity and all living beings on Earth, including the planet) have projected different holographic realities into the collective unconscious for many centuries, twisting our own memories of what we had lived. And in this way, we ended up disconnecting from our own realities, memories and inner being. Little by little a narrow linear timeline was created that left aside all that no longer served to increase fear and an inner void, creating a lack of creativity and capacity to nurture and heal ourselves.

Since the 23th of August that Mercury went retrograde, some magic opportunity has opened. Because Mercury is the magician, in particular related to time. And when it slows down and goes retrograde, is a time to enter into the realm of the intuitive mind, put aside the logic and experience the magic that is already within us. It’s a time to allow us for the mysteries of our hearts to unfold within. And this time, one of the magic is related to the mysteries of the interdimensionality.

It means that from now, and especially while Mercury retrograde, we can allow ourselves to open to the interdimensionality as an inner talent. It is time, if we want, to open more our intuitive minds and enter deeply into them… exploring them and opening new doors to new/old realms and experiencing that alternative realities already exist around us, but we haven’t seen them because we have been trapped into the fear based linear timeline. Moreover, we can be part of them while having our physical vessel and live their realities as part of our own. In this way our consciousness expands more and also our minds and hearts. And we begin to tap into the infinite realities that already exist in our realm. Because although we are ascending, it doesn’t mean that the 3D is bad and we have to leave it behind. In reality is a realm where we can experience what it means being part of a physical realm where everybody and being occupy a space “separated” from us. And that we have to move physically to go from one point to another. Also it is a realm where it is more difficult to materialize what we desire from our hearts: we have to use a lot of willpower to do that. But it doesn't mean that we have to live from the perspective of a lack of love, no. We can live it from our hearts if we want and in this way, we contribute to uplift its frequencies.

Once we allow ourselves to open to the interdimensionality (in particular the throat and solar plexus chakras are more involved), maybe at the beginning we can experience some fear, because the well known linear timeline gives us a sense of comfortability, it’s our comfort zone!  We know it and how things work: one thing after another, one step back and two steps forward, the kind of people that we expect to encounter, and causality (one thing only can happen if another has already happened previously).

As we open to our interdimensionality talent, we begin to experience time differently, maybe that it moves, that it is not something fixed. And we begin to perceive alternative realities (or parallel realities) with our third eye, or even with our physical senses. At the beginning they can be like a sudden flash that dims as quick as it appeared. But as we quiet our minds and hearts, we can experience different realities. In particular when we are amidst the Nature. Because for Nature and all its beings interdimensionality is normal. Every tree is able to hold different realms all at once. Every boulder is able to be a subtle portal that opens us to other physical worlds that exist within the Earth. And every river, creek and lake can hold different dimensions at once because every water molecule is multidimensional, as well as the air molecules. So they hold within them all the potentialities of every realm and dimension.

Dear Ones, this is a time to open more to our magic and creative energies, to open more to the realms that our consciousness holds, and explore more Who We Really Are.

In this way we can detach easily from the 3D fear based reality we have lived until now, while entering more effortlessly to the higher levels of the 4D and into the 5D and beyond.

In this way we are entering into the vastness of the Cosmos and be part of it consciously…

With Love and Light,


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