Sunday, March 28, 2021

What does ti mean to be in the 5D? How can we keep on it while the majority of people around us is still in 3D?

 Hi Precious Souls!

Today I write about: "What does it mean to be in a 5D? How does we keep our being in it while the majority of Humanity is still not?"

The 5D dimension is not about time. Because the only time that exists in it is the Eternal Present anchores in the here and now, anchored in our physical bodies and in our everyday life. Where all pasts, presents and futures coexists simultaneously within and without us... as we are a living and conscious field of infinite possibilities. While we know that we are Creators of our reality.

The 5D is about mastering the 4 elements: fire, air, water and earth + the consciousness. Thus, in total make 5 dimensions.

Are we feeling/sensing the elements more than before? Maybe the air... or the presence of water... of the sudden awakening of the fire at the beginning of this Aries season. Or it could be the earth underneath as it was calling us...

As we are more aware of the elements and they are more present in our everyday life, we can connect more and more with them. And, as time goes by, we begin to use them to create and transmute our life, until we become masters of our lives and cocreators of Life.

But normally, we are not in only one dimension exclusively. So, we can have some part of our being in the 6th and even, the 7th, having some glimpse of them from time to time. And, at the same time, is important to be in the 4th dimension (space/ linear time). Thus, for doing so while most of the people is not yet in the threshold of the 5D (or haven't chosen to be in it at this moment) the only way to keep us on the 5D without lowering our vibration is loving unconditionally... only the unconditional love can keep us in this lineal reality while being in another one that is non-lineal and more subtle... it is necessary to expand more and more our heart chakra and embracing all realities around us without judgements... embracing them knowing that are fear-based, and realizing that the foundation where they sustain is a void... past memories hold by their minds, but not real.

As we stay more focused in the present and bring our Eternal Present/Cosmic Being in the here and now, is easier to expand our heart chakra and viceversa. In this way we are less attached to the past, not matter how distant or near it is, and contribute to dissolve faster the 3D grid...

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