Friday, July 19, 2024

Beyond the 12D the very foundations of this Universe. The Great Experiment


Good Morning Precious Souls,

For some weeks now the veils that have separated the different dimensions are dissolving rapidly, opening us to discover the deep space within and without that until now was hidden to our consciousness. In this process now we can reach beyond the 12D. 

Maybe you have always heard that this universe had 12 dimensions, and that beyond them were only the primordial Source. But it is not true! Beyond the 12D there exists the 13D, 14D and 15D and more. Although we can say that from the 15D to the 19D the worlds overlap to each other, as if they were jammed. 

These higher dimensions are the real universe, its very foundation. Once they project and unfold themselves through the 12D and below, the “beta-Universe” is formed, and is we all reside… we reside in an experimental universe. 

But which is the experiment?

It is the capacity to overcome all the ego manifestations: thirst of power, being driven to conquer and slave “lesser” civilizations, impose one’s rules above all, greed and lust and the encompassing AI that accompanies all of these, including some beings who has a partly inorganic DNA, as the Ciakahrr reptilians, imbued by AI, using the power of Love.

If we fail (together with other spiritually evolved galactic races) this beta universe will dissolve and it will start again. But the higher dimensions will remain, from the 13D to beyond.

How can we overcome all of these ego-manifestations?

First: without fear: we can do it!

Second: our mind is more powerful than any existent AI, although we think to the contrary. But it is only because we have been programmed to do so. In reality, as we are able to bring our precious Cosmic Mind to the here and now and integrate it with our rational and intuitive mind, our capacities expand beyond our imagination… literally! Our mind is capable of having a higher speed than any computer and being used as any device we now need to in our lives. Although it also means that we need to detoxify our nervous system and our entire body.

And third: expanding more and more our heart chakra and its innate abilities together with our self-esteem and compassion, understanding, tenderness and unconditional love.

If we want to accomplish all of these we have to look at ourselves and go within instead of relying too much on the external world. And, for example, align ourselves to the 13D, 14D and 15D, although our souls were born in lesser dimensions. Because, as we are part of this universe, we have the potential to tap into and become All of It from our hearts. Because our heart is limitless.

In a more mundane way we can take a look at Saturn. Because where it is placed is where we tend to have many challenges and lessons to learn. If Saturn is in an air sign, then “the air erodes” the energy of Saturn/masculinity crystallized into our skeleton, and we can have joint or teeth problems as our structure is eroded by our mind. But as we allow this process to unfold and we observe and learn what life is throwing to us from our hearts, little by little the mind transforms into the Cosmic Mind, bringing with it out true Cosmic Masculinity and becoming the real Light Warrior/Amazon that we are. A true energy that can help us to put apart all programming from our family tree, society and personal past and parallel lives, accepting them all and overcoming them while we can anchor this Cosmic Masculinity into our bodies and life.

If Saturn is in a water sign, as it is right now, then the inner masculinity and lessons that it represents, are eroded by emotions and feelings. Here the role of our heart is of main importance together with a mind discipline.

If Saturn is in an earth sign, as earth signs tend to stagnate, we need a lot of courage and discipline while an open heart to learn and overcome all that it is telling us from our family tree, our pasts and presents. 

If Saturn is in a fire sign, then our inner fire (boldness, courage, capacity to stir and move us, making choices and go ahead of our life path) can burn and reduce it to ashes, although it could be through traumatic events.

For some time now Chariklo has been in Aquarius, an air sign that opens us to our Cosmic Mind and the asteroid Varuna (as a co-ruler of Aquarius) as a higher octave of Saturn. And now that it is retrograde, it opens more and more a space within to heal, to embrace our healing, saying to us that the healing will take place while acknowledging our different and free true Self. 

Depending on the sign and house our natal Chariklo is, it gives us the best element (fire, water, air or earth) and house of our life where our healing can take place. Because Chariklo helps us to overcome Saturn's lessons and go beyond them, towards Varuna. And in this way being able to anchor the Universal Laws of Love within us and be a precious torch of Light while overcoming our natal chart and going beyond it… towards new horizons, spaces and dimensions.

Dear Precious Ones, we are living in unprecedented times where heavens and Earth unite to help us to reach the stars and beyond… to reach our Inner Star and Be It, here and now…

With Light and Love,

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Los Anshar: Civilización Intraterrenal. ¿Quienes son?


Queridas Almas Preciosas, 

Hoy me gustaría compartir con vosotras un video donde hablo sobre la civilización intraterrena de los Anshar.

Son seres que viven en la 4D y cuya existencia está muy ligada a la humana. 

Hace unos día tuve la maravillosa oportunidad de conectar con una sacerdotisa Anshar telepáticamente, quien me explicó muchas cosas sobre ellos, y que me gustaría compartir con vosotros.

Si estáis intreresadas, aquí tenéis el enlace del video:

Con Amor y Luz,


Saturn went retrograde on June 30th in Pisces, and a profound experience to share


Dear Precious Souls,

Since June 30th Saturn has been retrograde in Pisces. And it will be so for more than four months. While Neptune began this retrograde dance yesterday July 2nd, also in Pisces…

This is a very interesting movement that goes deep within us, stirring our souls to open more to Who We Are and discover our Inner Truth and Potential.

Interestingly enough, just before Saturn went retrograde, I had a profound experience while meditating and connecting with an intraterrestrial civilization called Anshar (

Because they took me into a Temple within the planet Saturn. It was very big and somewhat cold, although there was no ice. It was more a kind of coolness related to the mind. And while there, I could talk/feel the Essence of Saturn (a planet that I always have felt very related to)...

It explained to me that his presence is very important now that many of us are transitioning towards a 4D and beyond. Because this transition is not only about opening more our consciousness and our minds, together with expanding more our self-esteem. But it is about connecting with the power of our minds and using it in our everyday lives.

How can we do this?

It said: responsibility and discipline.

The responsibility of knowing the potential of our minds and, instead of avoiding or denying it, using it. And the required discipline to put it into practice while overcoming the resistances and tricks that the ego-mind can throw to ourselves.

But, what kind of potential is stored within our minds?

For example, the capacity to levitate, to walk over water surfaces, and very important, the ability to connect and understand the quantum reality of matter (including our bodies) as a way to interact with it (rocks, Earth, minerals, and all living beings). And in this way, being able to traverse mountains and walls, for instance, knowing that in reality the quantum matter is a void with scattered atoms here and there. Or being able to create sophisticated devices using stones to heal ourselves (mind and body), as the Mayan underground civilization told me this night.

And more things that we will discover from now on…

And Saturn plays an important role to help us achieve this mastery.

Where it is placed on our natal chart, means the area of our lives where responsibility and discipline is more needed and applied. While now, being in Pisces, it helps us to better anchor our Cosmic Mind in the here and now, in our body and everyday life. It helps us to bring more and more of our precious Soul into our body and become more Present and complete. Because Presence is the key… 

Being Present from our heart, 

Feeling the Presence of our Soul,

Feeling the energy of our body intertwined with our Soul as if they were One.

And together with Neptune retrograde also in Pisces, it is a time where we can take the most of our meditations, to focus more to bring in the here and now our marvelous Soul and our luminous Essence. While opening our minds to the different realities that exist just around, beneath and above us, although our eyes couldn’t see them until now.

We are living a great time of disclosure, from within and without.

And the skies are encouraging us to take the most of them to be prepared for the time ahead.

It is also a good time to receive a deep healing, if you feel it, as a way to help us to reconnect deeply with our gifts and potential, but also to realign more to our Soul and Earth. Because the Earth and the Sun are entering into the new realm of 4D, and so us with Them… 

With Love and Light,


Transcending Saturn is transcending our natal chart