Wednesday, December 13, 2023

New Astrology Project: Aroma-Astrology!


Dear Precious Ones,

From now on I'm glad to offer you a new project on my astrology that wonderfully adds to the other ones I already have and that fits perfectly to who I am in this life.

All beings of the Universe are multidimensional energies that can unfold as marvelous spirits walking on Earth (although perhaps we can say in Earth...).
Among them Nature unfolds before our eyes in a myriad of plants and trees. They also are part of the Sacred Love that surrounds and embraces us all. They, themselves, embrace us every time we walk or stroll on a landscape, mountain or meadow. And they offer us their healing aroma that, once it enters into our nose, the olfactive cells (discovered some years ago that are able to recognize the different smells that our nose picks up from our environment) from our hearts receive, recognize and respond to. 

And we are here with them sharing this wonderful planet that we named Earth.
All of us pulse together with the stars. The plants and trees also receive every night the energy of the stars above us. Therefore we can say that they are also part of our natal chart.

As an aromatherapist (I was certified in 2013), now I can link together aromatherapy with astrology. And in this way I would love to offer you, depending on your natal chart, the synergy of essential oils that can help you to better integrate the energies of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant. Although depending on if there are some major aspects of any planet, we would also take it into consideration.
But also there are synergies that can help us to reconcile and work better with the transits of the planets.

Because every zodiac sign has a signature essential oil and so the planets.

If you are interested in knowing which is your unique synergy that can embrace your heart and help you to go through some situation reflected on your natal chart, we can get an appointment, meet in a Skype or Zoom video, talk a bit about it and find out which synergy is the best for you.

The price for this session will be 45€.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Astrology for the first 20 days of December 2023


Dear Precious Souls,

From time to time I would like to give you some astrology insights as a way to give you the “Voices of the Sky” and connect them with the “Voices of the Earth”, of our bodies and our precious self embodied in the here and now.

The sky is a precious mandala unfolding before our eyes that tells us a lot about how we can better help ourselves to continue our precious path of evolution.

For this week among all the aspects that are happening right now, the ones that have highlighted most, or that have resonated more within me are:

  1. Salacia in 7º50’ Aries conjunct Chiron 17º45 Aries, both retrograde. Salacia is a mermaid, the partner of Neptune, queen of the sea. She makes the sparks of Light on the surface of the water while playing with the Sun rays. She is clarity because as the water is shimmering, it says “I know myself”, helping us to shine in the area of our natal chart where she is placed. And also she represents the waves of plasmic Light that come to earth from the Cosmos. In particular now from the star Antares (our Sun from 1st-3rd December is conjunct to her), from the Great Attractor (our Sun is conjunct it from 3th-9th December) and then from the Galactic Center (our Sun is conjunct it from 16th-22nd of December). As she is placed in Aries, all these intense waves of Light are accompanied by Salacia helping us to ignite our DNA for new beginnings… new beginnings that have to be accompanied by an understanding of our Soul’s wound as Lightwarriors that, perhaps, stops us to expand our horizons and walk new paths of Life (although she also will affect the area of our life depending on where she is placed in our natal chart).

Our DNA is a salt and a natural conductor of electricity, so linked to Salacia in some way. It is extremely sensitive to the electromagnetic waves of different kinds that are around us. And depending on them, our DNA will answer them creating high frequency proteins or low frequency proteins that then, will affect the responses of our immune system facing any kind of toxins, bad bacteria and viruses, for instance. As Salacia is helping us to ignite our DNA, we can take advantage of the incredible Light that is entering Earth and open our hearts to receive them.

  1. Neptune retrograde in Pisces 24º54’, as if this planet wants to go deeper into Pisces, in particular into the degree where he is now. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “The Purging of Priesthood”... very interesting… Maybe he is telling us to see through those who hold important positions in our society and yet abuse their power over us. Saying that is time for us to withdraw our energy from them and focus it on what is really important: imagining a new shining future for all of us and visualizing a luminous path of LIght before us to walk in. But also this degree is telling us that there’s a need to purify and cleanse our lives, to shed what, or who, no longer serves us. And in this way purging some aspects of our life while opening more our eyes and hearts to our powerful and creative Spiritual Being.

  1. Saturn is conjunct Fomalhaut in 1º10’Pisces. Fomalhaut, the royal Persian star is placed in the constellation of Pisces Austrinus, and represents the Spiritual Master. Thus, Saturn helps us to embody our own Spiritual Master in our lives. Reminding us that we have a marvelous inner wisdom and knowledge ready to be unblocked and reconnected consciously to apply it in every area of our lives.

Have a luminous and lovely day!

With Love and Light,


La Esencia de la Naturaleza es la Esencia del Amor...

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