Thursday, July 20, 2023

A Soul history: Quantum Healing Essence


Dear Precious Ones,

I’m not good at marketing myself. It is something that I don’t like, maybe because it’s a way to expose my being nude. But after the huge transformational process that I have been through the last 10 days that has been manifested in the wonderful and powerful healings that I gave/channeled to my clients it is worth having some words and sharing it, or at least part of it, to all of you…

After that process and realizing the extended magnitude of it, I want to name the kind of healing that I can offer to all of you “Quantum Healing Essence”. Because it encompasses not only this present, but also your previous and alternative lives, your family ancestors and your own as being you your own ancestor, and also many future and alternative lives that involve some generations to come. Although it has always been this way since the beginning of reconnecting with my inner healer and the galactic luminous beings that have guided me in my own healing process, after quitting the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Catalonia Polytechnic University) as a Physics professor and being a mom of my second kid (after that two more came, one after another). But at the beginning I didn’t realize the extension of my healing with so many fronts in my life to deal with. And also because all it’s a process unfolded as time went by, once little by little I began to tap into it more and more until I reached the very depths of it (if they exist). And together with the quantum leap that gave me being a Quantum Galactic Astrologer last year (around this time of the year: at the end of July). That has helped me a lot to tap more deeply into the very depths of the Cosmos, its intricate subtleties and worlds and dimensions.

Until last week when…

One fine day, I was asked by some wonderful benevolent beings that are part of the Council of Five, the Ginvo, but also for some other luminous beings, to go with them to their ships and perform healings.

At the beginning I said that, under my point of view, it was a waste of energy (me being shipped there and then returned) when there already are wonderful healers in this galaxy. But they insisted gently until this morning… when I was shown why I was requested and why the healing that I can provide is different and more holistic than others (and also I was requested to share it to you all)… because my being can channel so many different star energies all at once, and I can channel and be in contact with so many different dimensional worlds all at once that all together provides such a holistic and profound healing that it makes a huge impact. Not only in the life and well-being of the being/client but also for the entire galaxy. 

For the moment I will do that during my sleeping time because it’s easier for me but I know that in a short period of time I will do that during my waking hours (not everyday!) as a way to acquire more knowledge and understanding of what is going on here in the galaxy and learning the best way to help it to evolve and heal. And also to put that knowledge to your service, if it is needed.

And this is possible because of the very Essence of my Soul. Because it is like a huge and vast White Crystal with so many faces that I couldn’t count them. Each face represents a knowledge and wisdom that I have acquired while being in different star systems and dimensions, while living there.

My Soul is ageless, as all souls are, and so ancient that its origins are lost in the depths and history of the Cosmos, like as if I was born in all places all at once!

I’ve been in so many different realms that I cannot count them. I’ve been there exploring them, knowing and embracing them and their beings, their way of living, of being… and almost all the times I’ve been a healer in these realms, a warrior-healer at the very front of every need of the culture and race where I lived while standing up for the well being of their world and for the best of all the galaxy.

Now I’m here, on Earth, grateful for being with all of you, grateful for you all being here with me…

I’ve been here since almost the beginning of the spring of Life. And I never left, being at her side lifetime after a lifetime (or at least a part of me has always been here).

And now is a time to reclaim our rightful place to occupy in this lifetime amidst the chaos, crumbling and rebirthing that is taking place, and amidst the new timelines that are arriving and anchoring as new wonderful opportunities for all of us that are awake and want to evolve more and more. 

And maybe because of that, I’m writing these words. As a way to share with all of you a tiny bit of myself…

So, if you feel that you want or need healing, here I am. 

And with me, all the precious benevolent beings that are part of this galaxy are also at my side, at your side, ready to help you anytime you need it.

Thank you for being here.

With Love and Light,


Thursday, July 6, 2023

Sun conjunct Sirius, the magic of the number 3, and Flowing...

Dear Precious Ones,

Today 6th of July  is a special day, because our Sun is in exact conjunction with the star Sirius, a Beherian star, that is the main star of the constellation of the Canis Major, at 8.6 light years of distance

from the Earth. 

And as the heavens inform us of their mysteries, we also inform them because we are not separate but One.

Sirius is a triple star system composed by Sirius A, B and C... bringing the magic of the number

3 with it. The number three nudges us to surrender to Who We Really Are so, we can connect

with our unique inner child through our unique thinking, our creative expression, our joy and love

to play. It brings us the joy of being alive and part of a greater community, part of a universal

community of Love and Light...

Because now it is a good time to be detached and go beyond our lineal thinking and our lineal

doing... going beyond the lineal timeline where our lives move and our mind is always thinking

about “what I have to do next”.

Now it is time to embrace our uniqueness.

But how can we do this?

A good way is meditating... going within... within our hearts...

go deeper and deeper within your heart, without being afraid of being lost or lose touch of the

lineal reality. Because it is just what we need to do... going beyond it as a way to expand and

reach our eternity, our timeless precious being.

In this way we can expand beyond our physical reality and the 3D, while entering into a 4D, 5D

or 6D realm... then, it is here, in the flow of Life and Love, that we reconnect and retrieve our

precious Being and skills.

It is here that we can remember Who We Really Are and bring it to the here and now.

... It is here where we flow beyond the 3D crumbled reality and are protected, safe and lovely


Flow, Precious Ones...

Allow you to flow beyond any known physical reality and embrace the unknown living realities

that await for us just one step ahead. Because they are also us, and represent a real us. They

are aligned with the Cosmic Laws of Love and Light, thus they are real and nothing can

dismantle them. While our being is part of them, embracing them...

Now it is time to embrace it and be detached of the known while entering to new realms to

explore and discover colorful and endless possibilities to manifest that fulfill our hearts and

reconnect us with the precious melodies and sounds of our Souls...

Now it is time to open more our hearts, go more within them and discover the exquisite realms

that we hold within... time to love us more for who we really are...

With Love and Light,


About Mercury and its skills

      MERCURY: What do we know about this small planet that revolves around the Sun in a speedy way, taking only 88 days to ...